J Crew's mastermind Jenna Lyon is selling her townhouse and I thought I would share some photos of her beautiful home. These pictures have been circulating for some time now, but with my obsession of interiors and my lack of blogging I thought although dated its still a must to post! I am one of those freaks who has a categorized binder with all things interior design (NO JOKE!). I look at in interior photo and take away so many details that an idea for my home is sure to spark! My newly unfurnished condo is so bare and boring and with all of my work traveling coupled with being lazy I have yet to decorate! When I laid my eyes on Jenna's home the first thing to catch my attention was the subtle gray walls! I could totally envision my home having the same feel! I am also super organic and have a serious fascination with antlers and fur throws! I have some in my bedroom but doing a whole wall in them is beyond!
Images Via: Because Im Addicted