Superdry Has Landed Here!

So, are you guys looking for collections that come with unique designs and also unrivalled detailing at accessible prices ?
Well, I guess you may need to check out Superdry, founded in 2003, and have vastly expanded their collections.

And for the good news is you can find all their latest collections for men and women at the recently opened Superdry Store located at Plaza Indonesia, one of the most prestigious mall in Jakarta.
Better hurry up!

It's Been a While.

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I suppose everyone is wondering why I have abandoned Fashion Lane for the last month...well truth be told I have been doing nothing but LF. We shot our photoshoot, went buying in London and Italy and more! I feel like I have missed out on so much inspiration that I thought I would share what is inspiring me lately. These are some of my favorite photos right now! I promise more blogging to come! xx

Twist Your Knit



wearing knit outerwear-Blast From The Past garage sale, long ts-Uniqlo, jeans-unbranded, knit necklace-Centro, peep-toe wooden wedges-Retail Therapy

Early Peek

Spring/Summer 2011 RTW collections are coming out, let's just get ready to see what's the newest trend will be.

Anyway, here are a few early peek of my favorite looks from Spring/Summer 2011 collections,


Jen Kao

Nicholas K

Organic by John Patrick

Rachel Comey
